These are Heritage bred Australian Stock Horses that have documented Australian bloodlines back to horses of the Waler era circa 1870 - 1945 (or earlier). Our horses have no Quarter Horse or any other modern breeds not in existence in Australia in the Waler era. (more details in About Us).
Our Bloodlines
Our horses have extensive pedigrees back to known horses over a hundred years ago - horses like Saladin (~1875), Tester (~1880's), Carbine (1885), Cecil (1899) and Bruce (1900). For a more comprehensive list see About Us.

Our Philosophy
The "story, the type and the temperament" are the three pillars that our stud is built on. We are committed to getting the old bloodlines the recognition they deserve because of the part they played in the history of our nation. We also realise that sentiment alone is not enough and that recognition must also come through performance in the various equestrian disciplines that are suited to these horses.

Our Location
Emu Gully Heritage Stockhorse Waler Stud is primarily situated on 182 acres of rich and picturesque farm land at Helidon Spa near Toowoomba, QLD. We also have another large property of 2,200 acres in Northern NSW on the rugged and beautiful Pindari Dam.